
1. 申請前請務必詳閱申請辦法
2. 於系統右上角點選「登入」,再以單一入口帳號登入開始申請
1. 本補助申請資格:以本校在學博士班研究生為優先(不含在職專班);碩士班研究生(不含在職專班)如已獲其他配合款補助,得再提出申請。
2. 若研究生有申請國科會補助國內研究生出席國際學術會議等出席會議補助,請待其他補助結果確定後,並最晚於會議舉行前一天再提出申請(若已屆會議前一天,但其他補助尚未確定,可先提出申請,再事後補件),惟當年度12月舉行之會議需於11月30日前完成申請。
3. 若研究生於出席國際會議期間並同時執行其他經費補助赴國外研究案(如國科會千里馬),請先確認是否符合其相關作業要點規範,避免重複支領之疑慮。
4. 線上送出申請後,處理狀態將顯示「尚未審核」,代表已成功提出申請。
5. 申請案通常1-2個月送會議審查(非隨到隨審),俟審查作業結束後,將以email通知申請人結果。

1. Eligibility for Application: Priority will be given to the University’s PhD students (excl. those on in-service PhD programs); Master's students (excl. those on in-service master’s programs) may apply if they have received other matching grants.
2. For students applying for subsidies from the National Science and Technology Council (NSTC) for attending international academic conferences, please submit your application only after other subsidy results are confirmed and no later than the day before the conference. (If the conference is approaching and other subsidies are still pending, you may submit your application first and provide additional documentation later.) However, for conferences held in December of the current year, applications must be completed by November 30.
3. If a student is attending an international conference while simultaneously conducting another funded research project abroad (such as NSTC "Ph.D. Students Study Abroad Program"), please first verify compliance with the relevant operational guidelines to avoid concerns about duplicate funding.
4. After submitting the application online, the status will display as "Pending Review," indicating that the application has been successfully submitted.
5. Applications are usually reviewed within 1-2 months (not on a rolling basis). Once the review process is complete, applicants will be notified of the results via email.
contact. 陳小姐 Miss Chen
03-571-2121, Ext. 31401